Gregory Robson


Dept:Philosophy & Religious Studies


I teach and write in the areas of moral, legal, and political philosophy, including PPE (philosophy, politics, and economics). My recent published work is on the ethics of firms, criminal rehabilitation, political traditions, and the social impacts of technology.

Research Areas

Ethics; Social and Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Law; Philosophy of Technology


PhD University of Arizona, 2019
MA Duke University, 2012
ALM Harvard University, 2008
BS Vanderbilt University, 2004

Selected Publications

Co-editor, Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings (Routledge)

Magistrates, Mobs, and Moral Disagreement: Countering the Actual Disagreement Challenge to Moral Realism,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 51 (2022), 416-435.

The Rationality of Political Experimentation,” Politics, Philosophy & Economics, vol. 20 (2021), 67-98 (15,800 words).

“To Profit Maximize, or Not to Profit Maximize?: For Firms, This Is a Valid Question,” Economics and Philosophy 35 (2019), 307-320.

“The Threat of Comprehensive Overstimulation in Modern Societies,” Ethics and Information Technology 19 (2017): 69-80.

“Punishment: A Costly Signal?,” The Journal of Philosophy 114 (2017), 208-219.

“On Lawrence C. Becker’s ‘The Neglect of Virtue,’” Ethics 125 (2015): 1151-1153.

“Kelo v. City of New London: Its Ironic Impact on Takings Authority,” The Urban Lawyer (American Bar Association) 44 (2012): 865-908.